Memorial Day Weekend

Gaming/Star Party

27-28 May 2007


Attendance:  Dave Wilson; Rich, Sabrina and Jessica Pardoe; Kris & Lisa; Chris Tann & Jenny; Mark McDonald


Diamant:  Dave, Rich, Sabrina, Jessica, Kris, Lisa, Chris T. and Jenny
Saboteur:  Dave, Rich, Lisa, Chris T. and Jenny
Tsuro (x2):  Dave, Rich, Lisa, Chris T. and Jenny
Pirahna Pedro (x2):  Dave, Rich, Lisa, Chris T. and Jenny

Kris gave Jessica and Sabrina a tour of the observatory.  Lotus gave Jessica a readout from the seismograph.


Fajitas made with flank steak marinated in cocoa and ancho chilis, Dave's deviled eggs, ice cream.

Star Party

Lisa and Kris set up their private telescopes for everyone.  We observed the following objects under a half moon and not so great seeing.


Attendance:  Kris &Lisa, Chris Knight, Megan Jacoby


Incan Gold: Kris, Chris K., Lisa
Creature Feature (x3):  Kris, Chris K., Megan, Lisa


We drove down to the Junction for dinner.

Star Party

Lisa and Kris set up their telescopes.  We had clearer skies and fair seeing with a 5/8 waxing moon.